can feel like the scorpion. We can feel
like certain negative habits or tendencies we possess are just our nature and
there’s nothing we can do about it, “even if my life depended on it.” Or we might think other people to be “scorpions”,
possessing a destructive nature that forecloses on any potential for good that
might have come their way. So why
people are not scorpions. People are
better than that. People can weigh
alternatives. People can learn. People can make choices, new choices,
different choices, better choices. People
can change. God can help.
the gospel accounts of Jesus’ life and throughout the records of His teaching
it becomes clear that while on earth in the flesh He operated completely under
this assumption. He was fully convinced
that people could change and that He could help. He devoted His earthly life and death to that
should be compared to scorpions? It’s
not in the Bible. The Bible is clear
that people are not to be confused with scorpions. People are made of better stuff than
that. People can change. People can be “born again.” People can be redeemed.
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